Hot Mama Tip: A Dubious Product » Teeny Manolo

Hot Mama Tip: A Dubious Product

By Glinda

Who did not love Redd Fox in Sanford and Son? For anyone growing up in the 70’s, Sanford and Son was must-see-tv and the show revolved around the talented comedy stylings of Redd Fox. Garbage men (or as they would probably be called now “recyclers”) had never been so entertaining!

That being said, when I saw the following products on Amazon, I had to do a bit of a double take.


Red Fox Tub O’ Butter


Red Fox Bottle O’ Butter

And while the genius of Redd Fox is indisputable, is this really the image you want your customer to have in mind when they think of your beauty product?


2 Responses to “Hot Mama Tip: A Dubious Product”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    Oh my, that’s ever so slightly terrifying!

  2. class factotum Says:

    Was it too much of that butter that took him to Elizabeth?

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