Brag About A Kid Day
Thursday, February 19th, 2009By Glinda
You know, it’s hard.
It’s hard when you have this fantastic kid in your life and yet for some reason, it’s considered unseemly to say anything positive about their accomplishments without looking like, well, a braggart.
Have you ever tried to say something nice about your kid and then the people you are talking to immediately try to one-up you with a story of how their kid is at the top of his class, or the best pitcher on the team, or blah blah blabbbity blah? I know you have.
But we are the people who love our kids and know them the best! We’re their biggest cheerleaders, and rightly so.
Today, though, I want us to leave behind the trappings of modesty and shout from the rooftops about something wonderful about the special children in your life. And if you don’t have a child, it could be a niece or nephew or cousin or the neighbor kid two houses over.
Do they have the prettiest eyes? The cutest dimples? Are their drawings worthy of an art gallery? Can they make you laugh harder than anyone you know? There are a million different things that make our kids special.
We here at Teeny Manolo would like to give you a supportive, caring environment in which you can feel free to tell us about the fabulous child in your life without fear of someone next to you claiming that their kid is thisclose to finding a cure for cancer.
So please, feel free to brag away! You have my permission!