2009 » February » 18 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for February 18th, 2009

Suri Does Disney

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
By Glinda


Adorable? Absolutely.

We all know that Suri Cruise is a very cute child.

But man, a private audience with Cinderella, Belle, and Mickey and Minnie?

If you’ve ever been to any of the Disney parks, you’ve seen the looong lines that form just to get a picture and a minute-or-two convo with any of the Princesses. I’m guessing Suri was able to bypass all that for her joyous romp on the grass.

That in no way negates the cuteness.

But I’m wondering if Suri is going to grow up thinking she can simply snap her fingers and rainbows will magically appear out of nowhere.

Hell, maybe she can.

Capri Pants, Worse than Mother-in-Laws?

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
By Glinda


I was watching Chris Titus and his Comedy Central special the other day. In it, he has some tips for women about things men really think, but are afraid to tell you.

It ranged from personal things you tell your relatives to the number one thing that bugs them.

Capri pants.

I was shocked.

Do men even really think about capri pants enough to name them the number one thing that bothers them? The comedian claimed that they were leg-stumpifying, cankle-showcasing monstrosities that are neither pants nor shorts. And that pairing them with cork wedges was the worst.

I asked my husband if he loathed capri pants as much as Chris Titus seems to. He tilted his head and thoughtfully responded that he honestly had no reaction to them one way or the other.

And that, my friends, was the right answer because Glinda tends to often find herself wearing capri pants. I’m home-free on the cork wedge front, though.

But what do you think? Are they fashion abominations? Or the perfect length for bridging those in-between weather days? Or maybe Chris Titus just goes out with women that have short legs and bad ankles?

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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