2009 » February » 13 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for February 13th, 2009

MacGyver in the Bedroom

Friday, February 13th, 2009
By raincoaster

Not as dirty as you’re thinking. Alas?

Now, some persons not a million miles from me have been known to have difficulty getting out of bed, even when they’re not flattened by the flu bug. In fact, some persons not a million miles from me have been known to sleep through fire alarms when, in fact, it was the room next door that was on fire (being awoken by firemen in uniforms is not as pleasant in real life as it is in dreams, in case you’re wondering). And so, anything which adds a note of compulsion to the process of waking up is not just of interest but potentially medically necessary, particularly on certain mornings, although I may have difficulty convincing the tax man that I can write it off.

Exploding bomb alarm clock

In the grand tradition of the exploding piggy bank which we have covered in the past and which, of course, comes from the same company, we here present for your delectation or purchase the very MacGyveresque Danger Bomb Alarm Clock. The idea is, the alarm goes off and you have to figure out how to “defuse” the bomb before it shuts up again.  Each morning the defusing puzzle is slightly different:

You’ll be shaked out of bed with explosion sound. To stop the bomb, you have to pull out just one code from 3. The safty code is set randomly every morning. So thrilling!

Now available for pre-order at only $33.11 US(I know, but whatever) it’s guaranteed to jumpstart your day with adrenaline.

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

Friday, February 13th, 2009
By Glinda

Gregory Peck delivered a knockout punch to Kirk Douglas, with Douglas receiving a paltry 15% of the vote. Sorry Kirk!

Today we pit man of style and against man of style. Who will emerge victorious?




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