2009 » February » 12 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for February 12th, 2009

Salma Hayek Feeds The Hungry

Thursday, February 12th, 2009
By Glinda

And yes, that hungry one just happened to a baby in Sierra Leone. That she breastfed, as she is weaning her one year old, but still has milk.

I just don’t understand exactly what the controversy is all about. Granted I’ve been somewhat under the covers for the past few days, and thus missed the initial furor.

I don’t see this as some sort of horrific exploitation or that she did this for any personal gain. She saw an infant that was hungry, she was able to help, and she did so. Simple as that.

I think that our current American culture has turned breastfeeding into some sort of sacred ritual, when really it is simply nature’s way of feeding infants and babies. Don’t get me wrong, I think breastfeeding is best. But why the demonization of someone who basically acted as a wet nurse? Just because we no longer use wet nurses here in America does not make it wrong for someone else to do so.

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