The New Reality
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009By Glinda
I DVR’d (that’s a word, right?) the inauguration as the Munchkin was in school at the time and I wasn’t sure if they would be watching it there.
Oddly enough, they didn’t, and my son and I sat together as our new President was sworn in. I pointed out Malia and Sasha, explaining that Sasha was almost the same age as he is, and how she would be living in the White House. He thought that was very cool.
I had many emotions during the ceremony, but one of the best and most lasting for me was that my son watched as the first African-American President took office.
And guess what?
He carries no baggage of past wrongs, no knowledge of the years of pain, injustice, and heartbreak.
He knows nothing else but that this man, who happens to have skin that is darker than his, is his new President.
For him, this is simply his reality.
And for that, I am grateful.