Hot Mama Tip: 10 Perfumes, 1 Choice
By GlindaWe took a trip down perfume lane last week, as I described the first four fragrances I tried as part of the Sephora Sampler. Out of 10, I can only pick 1. Decisions, decisions. But will the next six scents make the choice difficult, or will I give them barely a second sniff? And for the record, I do not have “dry” skin that would make it difficult for any of these scents to last. The perfumes I currently own last until the next day unless I’ve showered. And there goes probably TMI.
You know a perfume is not for you when you get into your car, and your nose is hit by a smell that is not entirely unfamiliar. I kept wondering where the menthol smell was coming from, and then I realized it was my perfume. Automatic disqualification when your expensive perfume is reminiscent of Vicks Vap-o-Rub, and I’m guessing the Vicks actually lasts longer, too. This scent is rated very highly, so perhaps it just doesn’t work with my body chemistry.
I’m all for Love, Angels, and Music, Baby, but this stuff reminded me more of dried roses than anything else. Hardly hip or edgy. More like potpurri and grandma-y. And it lasted the shortest time out of all the fragrances. Which for once was a good thing.
Back in the late 80’s, I wore Calvin Klein’s Obsession, well, obsessively. I thought it was a great scent and I was thinking that if I liked Euphoria even half as much, well then it was a shoo-in for the semi-finals. Sad to say, this perfume evoked nothing like euphoria in me. It went on nicely at first and I really liked the top notes, but the bottom notes were unimpressive.
Daisy started off very promisingly. It was light and refreshing, a perfect day scent. However, just a few hours later, I couldn’t smell anything anymore. Unfortunately, I require my scents to last and Daisy was nice, but this pretty scent has a half-life that is far too short for me.
A beautiful, soft, sensual scent. I liked it and everyone else I shoved my arm at liked it, too. However, I’m looking for a day scent for when the days get warmer, and this is definitely an elegant “date” perfume. I’m sure my son’s kindergarten teacher would appreciate how nice I smell when I volunteer in the classroom, but this stuff is wasted on a bunch of five and six year olds.
As I like sweet scents and don’t mind smelling like food, I had high hopes for Pink Sugar. And true to its name, you definitely smell like you have been rolling around in sugar cookie dough. However, it has absolutely no staying power and I found it overly cloying for my taste. Very girly, and I think I’m a little old for girly.
So which one am I picking?
If I was going for a dramatic scent for special occasions, the Bvlgari would have been the top choice. However, I need this for every day wear. So, by a large margin that surprised even me, the LAVANILA Vanilla Grapefruit will soon be making its way into my hot little hands. Yay for new perfume!
January 11th, 2009 at 3:01 am
I think Stella McCartney just doesn’t like your personal chemistry. On me, it smells like old roses and violets; not modern, but lovely anyway. It’s #1 on my wish list. Menthol, I agree, would be a pretty nasty undertone.
And ALL of the Bulgari scents are keepers! Truly, they’ve never had a single miss. Guerlain is the only other company I can think of with a track record like that.