Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

Poor Spencer Tracy. At least he had the love of a good woman, since he apparently did not quite cut it with the readers of Teeny Manolo. Cary Grant won by a large margin, and I will leave it at that.

This week, I am putting up a challenger that in carelessness, I forgot about when I was going through the male stars of the 1930’s. How in the world could I forget the man who made swinging around on ship’s rigging look both manly and easy? And, I’m generally not a fan of moustaches, but this is one of the few men that makes it work.


3 Responses to “Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0”

  1. dgm Says:

    Hard to imagine swashbuckling in a white turtleneck. Cary for the win!

  2. Carol Says:

    The photo of Mr. Flynn looks distorted – we might have a better look at him if it were less so. Though Mr. Grant would probably still get my vote…

  3. Glinda Says:

    Carol, you are correct, the picture of Errol is a bit distorted. Unfortunately I have these stupid parameters I have to fit, and sometimes the subject suffers for it.

    He still looks pretty handsome to me, though!

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