Happy New Year!
Thursday, January 1st, 2009By raincoaster
I’m not a huge New Year’s fanatic (not being Scottish must have something to do with that) but I do love New Year’s Day, when all the once-a-year drinkers suffer horribly as I smile benevolently and serve them leftover turkey soup. Today, for once, I’m the one without the hangover, and I reserve the right to gloat about it (in between doling out milk thistle supplements and green smoothies).
In any case, unfortunately in the frigid Canadian mountain town in which I chose to spend the holidays it’s the coldest winter in 35 years, and the fireworks were cancelled because they simply wouldn’t ignite at these subzero temperatures. So, for me, Paper View is as good as it gets this year.
Unless I want to do the George Carlin, go out in the backyard and rub my eyes until I see stars thing. Cheap!
from disembedded