Eighteen is Enough
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008By Glinda
Unless you were drinking too much eggnog over the holidays, you are probably aware that the Duggar family of Arkansas gave birth to their 18th child.
Ok, I get it.
I get it that each child is a miracle, each child brings joy to the family, I agree with all that. I am certainly not one to say that an 18th child has any less value than the first, or even the 10th.
However, I am curious to know how they find the time to parent all of the children.
Or maybe they don’t, and that’s the secret of their success.
I’ll be honest, I’ve never watched their show on TLC, nor do I plan to. I’ve never understood people with their own kids who fanatically watch shows about someone else’s kids. I mean, my own child is plenty of entertainment, I don’t need a stranger’s offspring to provide it for me.
But really, is it the older kids who parent the ones in the middle, whilst mom deals with the newborns and toddlers? And it seems that there have been a lot of newborns in there, so I imagine the older kids are quite busy.
Oh, and did I mention they homeschool all of the kids? And that they declared their house was a church so they would not have to pay taxes on it? Or that the older girls cook the meals and wear only dresses? Not to mention the fact that they have a waaaay nicer kitchen than mine.
Dang, maybe there is some logic to this whole two-dozen kid thing after all.