2008 » December » 24 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December 24th, 2008

Merry Merry!

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008
By Glinda

(Image may or may not be an approximation of Glinda’s wrapping-fest last night)

The past couple years have found me at midnight on Christmas Eve, cursing and wrapping a bunch of gifts that needed to be under the tree, stat. This year finds me doing a bit better, with all presents wrapped or put into their adorable little bags. And yes, they are all adorable bags. I am so not biased at all. I’m even more proud of myself that I only had to go through two bottles of wine as opposed to my normal three.


It was only one.

And a half.

So on this Christmas Eve, I would like to wish all of our dear readers a wonderful holiday.

I know that weather is an issue for many, so stay safe and take care.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Carol of the Hells

Wednesday, December 24th, 2008
By raincoaster

Not everyone is made of sugar and spice and everything nice. And “not everyone” will let you know it, every single time you try to force him/her to play nicey-nicey. Perhaps, as a peace offering or extortion piece, you may wish to incorporate the following into your holiday carol rituals. A single insect-ridden tune can often pacify the restless through two whole servings of fruitcake and perhaps even a stab at Good King Wenceslas, although not one soul on Earth remembers all the words.

From  Bug Girl’s Blog:

City cellars
Moldy cellars
We have just ventured down
To the basement to get things for Christmas
Lots of boxes, stacks of boxes
I think this one’s the tree
As we move them we’re likely to see…

Silver fish, Silver fish
Its Christmas time in the cellar
Centipedes, race with ease
Soon it will be Christmas Day.

To the tune of (of course) Silver Bells

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