Merry Merry!
Wednesday, December 24th, 2008By Glinda
(Image may or may not be an approximation of Glinda’s wrapping-fest last night)
The past couple years have found me at midnight on Christmas Eve, cursing and wrapping a bunch of gifts that needed to be under the tree, stat. This year finds me doing a bit better, with all presents wrapped or put into their adorable little bags. And yes, they are all adorable bags. I am so not biased at all. I’m even more proud of myself that I only had to go through two bottles of wine as opposed to my normal three.
It was only one.
And a half.
So on this Christmas Eve, I would like to wish all of our dear readers a wonderful holiday.
I know that weather is an issue for many, so stay safe and take care.
Merry Christmas, everyone!