Friday Caption Contest: the Battle of Bethlehem Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: the Battle of Bethlehem Edition

By raincoaster

It’s a Merry Christmas Throwdown in ol’ Bethlehem. You know how it works: captions in the comments, rants get bonus points if sufficiently amusing:

The Battle of Bethlehem

2 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: the Battle of Bethlehem Edition”

  1. Jennie Says:

    Look Kal-El, you’re wearing the damned glasses until you can control your supervision! I’ve got presents to deliver and can’t be here to keep you from burning down the house and freaking out the nanny!

  2. smark Says:

    December 23, 3008: Archaeologists are thrilled to discover an ancient icon of the Infant Harry Potter doing battle with the Evil One as described by St. Rowling.

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