I have something to confess.
I live with a Christmas Grinch. Uh, one whose heart never grew two more sizes, that is.
For reasons lost in the ether many moons ago, my husband has grown up to have a healthy dislike of all things Christmas. It could be that as a middle child, he was always ignored and never got what he wanted. Or maybe it was the time his oldest brother, completely inebriated, one year mistook the living room Christmas tree for a green, pine-scented urinal. Whatever the reason, the holiday season is one of his least favorites.
And you know, fine, I get that. Not everyone can have holiday cheer oozing from every pore, candy cane in pocket to hand out to every child they see. Still, living with a Christmas Grinch can be hard work when you are trying to spread some joy, dammit!
But as I told him when our son was around two, you have to try to fake it for the sake of the kids. The children do not understand utterances under one’s breath about how insincere and fake it all is, and how if one hears Jingle Bells one more time, one might be forced to embark on a long eggnog binge.
To ensure everyone’s sanity, my husband has only four simple duties at Christmas.
1. He must get the tree. Now, he may not actually pick out the tree, but he is responsible for hauling it into the house.
2. He must string the lights on the tree, since his six inch height advantage on me means he does not have to get on a step ladder.
3. He must put up the lights around the outside of the house. This, I’m told, is a manly thing to do as it involves both cursing and ladders.
4. Lastly, he must assemble all large and annoying toys that need assembling.
After that, I inform him that he can simply fade into the background if he so desires. I don’t expect him to care about where I hang the garlands or what kind of candy I should put into the Advent calendar.
Some years he has gotten more into it than others, but I suspect this year won’t be one of them.
Hey, as long as he doesn’t snitch on who actually ate the cookies for Santa, it’s OK with me.