2008 » October » 31 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 31st, 2008

Saturday Caption Contest Results: Halloween Edition

Friday, October 31st, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s time to announce our winner of the festive Halloween-themed Saturday Caption Contest from last week. Here are our costumed antagonists of last week, along with the winning caption:

Halloween Caption Contest

gemdiva Says:

Little Hildy lived in constant fear that there was no such thing as PMS and this was mommy’s real personality.

Once again, congratulations and imaginary prizes to gemdiva, who knows enlightened skepticism when she sees it. What shall be her hypothetical trophy for the virtual presentation of the iAward? These crazy-fabulous 62 Muertos, which will make you the envy both of Goths and Zombie Cowboys, and who wouldn’t want that, eh? I ask you. You’ll slay ’em!

Liberty Boot Co. - 62 Muertos (Bone/Black Skulls) - Footwear

Celebrity Dad Faceoff: Halloween Edition

Friday, October 31st, 2008
By Glinda

I’m interrupting our regularly scheduled CDF to bring you a special Halloween Edition.

I mean, with all the fabulous men who have played vampires on the big and small screens, how could I resist?

Now, enough yapping and on to your special Halloween treat, a quadruple threat with the vampires of Buffy duking it out against Anne Rice characters!

Happy Halloween!


Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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