Saturday Caption Contest: Halloween Edition » Teeny Manolo

Saturday Caption Contest: Halloween Edition

By raincoaster

Okay, so it’s not a couple of hot chicks at the mall. But it certainly IS Halloweeny and who among us perhaps overenthusiastically theatrical adults hasn’t seen this expression on the face of a budding drama critic? Seriously, everybody’s a critic, even the ones who still wet the bed at night. And I’m looking at you, Rex Reed!

Halloween where EVERYONE's a fashion critic

7 Responses to “Saturday Caption Contest: Halloween Edition”

  1. alaina72182 Says:

    Prince Charming seriously needs to show up soon. . . DADDY!!!!!!!

  2. Jennie Says:

    Elphaba laughed hysterically when Ga’Linda told her she’d be pretty in pink. It wasn’t the first time Ga’s feeling were hurt when trying to help her friend Elphie.

  3. Liz Says:

    Whatever happened with the polar bear picture? Did I miss it?

  4. raincoaster Says:

    No, the polar bear winner will be announced tomorrow, probably in the darkest hours of the night, as that’s the only time I’ve been able to get online all week. I’m just way behind.

  5. gemdiva Says:

    Little Hildy lived in constant fear that there was no such thing as PMS and this was mommy’s real personality.

  6. Librarian of Time and Space Says:

    I can’t wait to take a bite of that princess. What a delicious Halloween treat!

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