Holy Commercialization, Batman™ » Teeny Manolo

Holy Commercialization, Batman™

By raincoaster

A shrine to the disappearance of Homemade Toys

Seen at the Digital Shrine at Parade of Lost Souls, Vancouver. But…do kids actually like home-made toys, or is it only adults liking the idea of them?

3 Responses to “Holy Commercialization, Batman™”

  1. TeleriB Says:

    Kids like fun toys. A ungainly tin-foil doll? I’m thinking… not so much fun. We definitely had some hand-made toys as kids that we liked and even loved, though. The top spot has to go to the life-sized stuffed doll my mother made for my sister (15 months younger than me) to keep her company and to make her feel special when Big Sister left for kintergarten. The thing even had elastic loops on the feet so my sister could dance with it. I was so terribly jealous that I did not also get a doll like that.

    My “Monster Island” playset, home to my plastic dinosaurs and Godzilla toys, was a large piece of posterboard that my dad decorated with a masking tape and shoe polish “road” and some epoxy “water.” Loved it.

  2. raincoaster Says:

    If your parents are crafty or artistic, you could have some great memories of homemade toys, but mine were not and I honestly don’t remember a single homemade toy that I played with regularly. I did get many horrible, hairy crocheted Barbie dresses from a friend of the family, which I promptly “lost”.

  3. marvel Says:

    I agree with TeleriB–it depends on the coolness of the homemade toy, and whether or not the toy “fits” with a current phase of childhood imagination. I could see some being popular and some being totally lame.

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