Halloween Horrors, Indeed
By GlindaThe Munchkin’s school had a Halloween event after hours yesterday, and helping out with the festivities were some young adult volunteers. And this year, it seems that slutty Halloween costumes are the “in” thing. Why am I not surprised?
One of the teens assigned to lead the Munchkin’s group around campus was dressed as a cheerleader. Fine, you say, what is wrong with a cheerleader? Well, try a micro-mini that barely covered her assets, knee high stockings, and a short, skin tight cheer sweater. Not exactly appropriate for leading a bunch of kindergarteners around. But really, when is an outfit like that appropriate for a young woman?
Answer with me, folks, “Never!”
Let’s check out some other costumes made available by some fine costume manufacturers for the young ladies in our lives. Sadly, these were not hard to find.
First we have what is billed as a “Super Girl Teen” Costume. Funny, I don’t remember Super Girl showing quite so much bare midriff.
We move on to “Veinia Adult and Teen” costume. If I had a teen daughter, she would never be allowed out of the house with the larger portion of her boobs on display. Sorry, I’m a dictator like that.
This “Pirate Teen” costume seems to have weathered quite the storm. I mean, that’s what happened to the rest of her outfit, right?
This “Moonlight Vixen Teen” costume will definitely turn heads. The wrong, er, kinds of heads. No double entendre intended. Even better, this costume is currently sold out.
Now we have the most frightening of all, the “Fallen Angel” costume listed as Child/Teen. Let’s read their lovely description: “Featuring a dress with sexy lace-up bodice…” Yes, that’s exactly the look I want for my twelve year old.
Scream-inducing, for sure.
October 23rd, 2008 at 8:38 am
Sad to say, comic book Supergirl’s been running around in a midriff-baring top for quite a while now (much to the chagrin of many female comics readers). Here she is on the cover of the latest Final Crisis:
And if you scroll down about 2/3 of the way here, you can see her sharing a cover with the superhero Nightwing — and, as best as anyone can tell, wearing little to nothing under her super-micro-mini:
October 23rd, 2008 at 10:05 am
Yeah I was looking at an ad by a Halloween store and was rather appalled at the lack of real costumes. The majority were missing a lot of the fabric. I guess that is how the companies cut back in times like these.
October 23rd, 2008 at 10:18 am
There’s a line from the movie, Mean Girls, about this phenomenon. Pure Tina Fey.
October 23rd, 2008 at 12:45 pm
Horrifying! Those boots are all SOo five years ago!
October 23rd, 2008 at 3:40 pm
These all look perfect for the annual Exotic Erotic Ball, which is an ADULTS ONLY party held for Halloween in San Francisco. But, for kids? I have a 12 year old daughter, and I’m a dictator, too. Thankfully, she’s a ‘slow bloomer’ and has zero interest in looking like a child prostitute.
October 26th, 2008 at 2:15 pm
I live in a small NC town and we had a family town Halloween event. I’m talking really innocent stuff here with stores and town government handing out candy, pet parades etc., and kids all with parents. Sadly we say a lot of bare midriff sexy devil costumes. A LOT! My husband and I kept getting shocked at the young girls’ outfits. And their parent were with them.
What does that say?
20-somethings… trashy but okay, fine. 11 – 12 year olds. Ick.
October 26th, 2008 at 7:25 pm
In fairness, the cheerleader costume was not MORE sexy than actual cheerleader costumes. Actual cheerleaders look less like athletes and more like novelty hookers lately.
A friend’s niece said she wants to go as a hooker on Halloween; she defines that as a girl who wears high heels and has lots of boyfriends. They’re negotiating it down and currently at “floozy.” I suggested “celebutard” but we’ll see how it goes.
Boys never want to go as Calvin Klein underwear models on Halloween, do they? Ah, the power of marketing!
October 27th, 2008 at 9:49 am
Wow. I looked at those links for Superwoman, aka Baywatch super hero. Could that be any more up her butt?? You know, I just this second quit caring about looking like what TV and some jerks think I should. I just can’t compete with a drawing!!
As for the costumes, my 12 year old stepdaughter is all about showing off her little assets, and thank goodness she feels she is too old for costumes this year. I am like most of you, she isn’t going out of the house dressed like that! I think that some parents are a little scared that their princess might not be popular and she’ll throw a fit if she can’t dress like everyone else. Why else would they allow this?
October 27th, 2008 at 1:46 pm
I’ve been decrying this sex-it-up-for-Halloween thing for years. It’s on a pathetic downward spiral, sucking in younger and younger girls. UGH.
October 28th, 2008 at 7:15 pm
I live right by one of those Halloween stores. They have a slutty bumblebee costume advertised in the window.
A BUMBLEBEE for god’s sake!
October 29th, 2008 at 9:18 am
Yikes. My girls will most definitely not be dressing like that when they get to the teen and pre-teen years. Truly sickening.