Over the past few months, I have been to more kid birthday parties than I care to remember. But one thing that has struck me is the utter and complete waste of giving children bithday cards.
Seriously, they could give a crap about cards. Unless there is money or a gift certificate inside. But even then, the card is tossed and the contents kept.
So I began to ask myself, why even bother buying a card? That’s an extra buck or two per child that I don’t need to spend, and in this economy, the extra buck or two can be quite handy to have.
And since I have my own slave labor over here, what is to stop my son from becoming a cheap, one-man card making operation?
Not a thing, my friends. Not a thing.
Just think of the personalization! Think of the less waste! Think of the child’s pride in creating something so special for their friend!
There are no drawbacks here, people.
If we all just had our kids start making all of our birthday cards, we could change the world, I tell you!
A revolution, if you will, one card at a time.