2008 » October » 13 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 13th, 2008

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, October 13th, 2008
By Glinda

Well happy Monday to you! If there is such a thing, that is.

Last week I asked what kind of shoe you like to wear on a daily basis, and ballet flats edged out sneakers and sandals by a mere one percent at twenty. And the poor stiletto is taken out on date nights only, it seems.

I seem to find myself wearing all three of the top choices, but I’d have to say that some of my sneaker-ish shoes are actually Mary Janes, so that confuses things. And dude, I am so easily confused.

But, there should be no confusion as to this week’s poll. I want to know what you think of the latest W cover, shot by Brad Pitt himself. I’m guessing either you like it, or you don’t. I deliberately chose to give you no wiggle room, either. Waffling not allowed!


The Great Pumpkin’s Concubine

Monday, October 13th, 2008
By raincoaster

One of our most popular posts is Glinda’s paen to the Empress of Lucite, Shauna Sand. And so, it seems fitting to honour her once again with a post one year on. Lay your eyes on this, and realize that the stunningly elegant Empress of Lucite chose to wear a puffy parka on an LA day hot enough that the children she was accompanying wore capris and belly shirts.

Shaedenfreude is a beautiful thing, my friends.

Shauna SAND

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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