2008 » October » 09 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 9th, 2008

for the LAST time…!

Thursday, October 9th, 2008
By raincoaster


Lazy Parenting Award: Part Huit

Thursday, October 9th, 2008
By Glinda

Don’t let this be you!

I’ll be honest with you.

These particular recipients of the Lazy Parenting Awards, I just don’t get. Try as I might, I cannot understand why they do what they do.

Your child’s education is one of the most important factors to their success in life. 

Why then, would you choose to remain completely uninvolved in the institution that is instrumental in delivering that education? 

There are parents who do not ever volunteer at their child’s school.  There are parents who simply ignore the room mother’s plea for contact information.  There are parents who only see their child’s teacher, grudgingly, on parent conference nights. Parents who take their child’s word that they have done their homework without actually checking.

If you have no interest in your child’s schooling, why bother even sending them? Oh yes, that pesky law. And maybe you do indeed have some stressful, important things going on in your life that are keeping you occupied. Well, get over it, because so does everybody else.  Maybe you figure that there is always someone else who can do it.  But how do you know that for sure?

Involved parents make a school.  In these times of state budget shortfalls, parental involvement or lack thereof can affect almost every aspect of a school’s morale and performance.  If parents are not there to hold principals and teachers accountable, as well as lend a helping hand whenever needed, schools suffer.  And that means that most likely your child’s education will suffer as well.  Not to mention that if you obviously don’t care, why in the world should your kid?

So to you, parents who see their children’s school merely as a free babysitting service, I give you today’s Lazy Parenting Award!TM 

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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