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By raincoasterAlas, poor raincoaster; you knew her well. But the fact is, she’s not the same this week. It’s true. I’ve crossed the line. I’ve become one of The Others. You know, THOSE PEOPLE.
The employed.
I have, in fact, become employed by two different companies this week, which wouldn’t normally be such a killer except I’m so, so very used to nothing more than sitting in my pj’s in one chair all day, moving only periodically to let the pizza boy in so I don’t starve.
If you order twelve you get two free and then you’re set for another 14 days!
Anywhateverkins, one of these jobs involves raincoaster being A) presentable in the morning B) awake in the morning and C) on her feet from the morning all the way to early evening.
And this does not take me to my happy place.
Mind you, there are good things to be said about the job: it’s a marvelous opportunity to look at what other people are wearing and make up snarky captions in one’s head all day; it’s a good opportunity to meet lots of men, as the pizza boy just does NOT seem to be responding; and it’s great to see that, indeed, the world is NOT ready for the return of stirrup pants.
But, truth be told I am absolutely wrung out, and it’s only my second day. I have a few choice words for the person who invented this “working for a living” thing. Fortunately, I work right outside a spa and the first thing I did was enquire about some hawt pedicure and massage action; I’m gonna need it.
Tomorrow I buy a new pair of flats (yay, flats are not only in, but on sale!) and those spongy insoles that say nobody is going to be drinking champagne out of my MaryJanes anydamnways, so what the hell. At least I’ll be comfortable. So my posts are going to be going up at wonky times for the next week until I get used to this, and they may be even more demented than usual! You’ve been warned!
Fortunately, while I’m occupied in productive sessions with either salaried labour or the epsom salt footbaths, the Internets have provided for your amusement the following roundup of the bizarre and parental, so click onward and enjoy!
The Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator (PolitTskTskTsk)
Kate Moss’ daughter is a rock off the old block. CHIP! I meant chip! (DListed)
Trump’s tips for raising tip top tots and kickass kids! (CeleBitchy)
Housework blogger wanted (5MinutesForMom)
Cute OVERLOAAAAAD!!!!! (CelebrityBabySmack)
There’s a dirty pun to be made here, but I’m not the one to do it (GoGetYourJacket)
Dance Party Workout (ParentHacks)
Talk Like a Pirate Day is Saturday! (Limeshot)