The Very Bearable Uncle Karl » Teeny Manolo

The Very Bearable Uncle Karl

By raincoaster

Karl Loves Bears!

Like some ambiguous, night-cloaked Drosselmeyer of the velvet underground, demented couturier Karl Lagerfeld continually brings the gift of confused, vaguely uncomfortable delight to little bloggers everywhere.

Yesterday, cougars. Today, bears. Tomorrow???

He’s made a fancypants teddy bear that will retail at Neiman Marcus for a completely reasonable $1,500. Lagerfeld is very optimistic about the ursine species “bears are very nice, as long as you are nice to them.”

That is probably true, although I’m only guessing. Something tells me that our dear, sweet Uncle Karl has a lot more experience with bears than I do.

2 Responses to “The Very Bearable Uncle Karl”

  1. Brian's Babymomma Says:

    I just snorted coffee when I got to the Uncle Karl having a lot of experience with bears part.

  2. Jennie Says:

    Was Karl at this little festival?

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