2008 » August » 20 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for August 20th, 2008

An Entire Generation of Mothers Holds their Breath…

Wednesday, August 20th, 2008
By Glinda


…and crosses their fingers behind their backs in the hopes that their tumultuous relationship with their tween daughter will finally come to a peaceful end with hugs all around. All thanks to an extremely popular fifteen year old boy straight from the Disney corporate music machine.

You see, Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers (the 2000’s version of Menudo, NKTB, Hansen, etc…) has revealed the importance he places upon how a girl treats her family. “They have to be good to their moms.”

Maybe now your 12 year old will think twice about slamming that bedroom door and texting to their friend: MOS CID NO FOS IHTFP!!!!!

I’m quite sure my mother wished that Simon Le Bon had said something very similar, thus sparing her a good three years of arguing about when I had to come home from the movies. 

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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