The Tricycle Thief » Teeny Manolo

The Tricycle Thief

By raincoaster

Miguel Alejandro Monroy, the tricycle thief It’s not exactly Ladri di biciclette, if you know what I mean.

It seems Miguel Monroy here, colloquially known as Loserboy (or at least, among blog readers anyway, and a more discriminating bunch you won’t find anywhere, I tell ya) is a tough guy. A bully. A gangsta.

A tricycle thief.

Police say 21-year-old Miguel Monroy stole the tricycle Saturday evening when a mother and her daughter went into a store. Orem gang task force members then spotted him joyriding down Orem Boulevard on the trike.

He’s facing four charges: the theft, plus giving police three false IDs. If he hadn’t been so conspicuous, cruisin’ the hood on his girly new wheels, they never would have popped him in the first place.

Silly Miguel. Everybody knows what the big boys ride.

Harley Davidson trike. Yes, I said Harleyd Davidson Trike

One Response to “The Tricycle Thief”

  1. Maternal Mirth Says:

    What a total douchebag!

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