2008 » August » 04 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for August 4th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest Results: ComicCon Edition

Monday, August 4th, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s time to announce the funniest caption for little Darthleen Vader here. It was a crowded, talented field, but there can be only one.

Oops, wrong speculative fiction franchise!

Darthleen Vader

K. B. Says:

Darth Barbie, Star Wars less-popular evil villain was best known for her awesome ability to accessorize.

Yes, newcomer K.B. takes the hypothetical i-trophy. Now, what shall we virtually present her to wear to the imaginary ceremony?

The superfantastic futuristic Giuseppe Zanotti Mirror Argento!

Giuseppe Zanotti - E80426 (Mirror Argento) - Footwear

dam cute!

Monday, August 4th, 2008
By raincoaster


Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, August 4th, 2008
By Glinda

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?

Last week’s poll about corporal punishment had forty percent of respondents considering a well-placed, well-timed smack on the butt to be fine. Almost a quarter disagreed, saying that any use of physical punishment was wrong, while almost another twenty percent said it depended on the nature of the offense. In the comments, this was clarified as a hit on the hand to prevent touching a hot stove type of thing being OK, but one for accidentally spilling the milk, not so much.

This week I am going to draw from something that happened to me recently. Glinda has to admit that she does cuss upon occasion, which she places the blame for squarely upon her father’s shoulders. But, never around the Munchkin. The other day, I dropped something that I was afraid was going to break, and the word “crap!” came out as it slipped out of my hand. My husband (the Scarecrow) chided me for saying a cuss word around our son. I confess to thinking that crap was not really a cuss word, although I could understand how some would think it was.

What about you?

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