2008 » July » 15 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 15th, 2008

RIP Olive Riley

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
By raincoaster

Olive Riley, proud Australian and, at 108 reputedly the world’s oldest blogger, has died. Her last blog post described her impromptu concert for her new roommate and the nursing staff (she sang daily, and frequently posted her Greatest Hits to YouTube).

Here is Olive describing how to bathe a baby using a tin pan and a wood stove. “The trick is to keep the baby warm” eh? No, the trick is to keep the baby intact, I would think. When you think about the size of some of the pioneer families, it’s truly shocking to realize just how much hard work went into raising them.

Finally! Angelina’s Twins Arrive

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
By Glinda


The entire run-up to the birth of the Jolie-Pitt twins has amused me from the get go. Or perhaps bemused is a better description.

There was the whole “OMG! Angelina Jolie is in the hospital awaiting the birth of her twins!” frenzy that made no sense to me. Straight-faced news infotainment anchors would discuss in serious tones the fact that she was in the hospital and in bed and blah, blah, blah…

Hello people! Many women who are carrying twins are placed on bedrest in the last few weeks, if not the entire last trimester, to ensure that the mother rests and that those two little ones can stay in there for the longest time possible. It’s not unusual, it’s not really a big deal, and it certainly doesn’t deserve the sort of coverage it garnered.

Then even better was the “She’s in the hospital and she’s cranky!” Please give me the name of someone who enjoys a hospital stay. Of course she’s cranky! It’s summer, her hormones are in full throttle, she’s about to have two babies at once, and she’s eating hospital food. I totally sympathize.

It was even bigger news when Brad would visit her at the hospital. Yes, if I am carrying your children you are damn well going to visit me at the hospital. And you’d better bring snacks, too! Would you expect him to never see her? Then they would run the headline “Bad Dad Brad” or some such ridiculous thing. And the press seemed surprised that he would actually bring their other children to see their mother.

Newsflash! Kids miss their mom when she’s not there! The best way to deal with that? Let them see her! You know Occam’s Razor and all that.

But hey, that doesn’t make for very entertaining copy, does it?

So, now we can breathe a sigh of relief that the whirlwind is over.

That is, until Gwen Stefani goes into labor and then all hell is going to break loose.


Tonight on Medical Mysteries

Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
By raincoaster

Well, at least they’re both healthy. I think this first one is what happens when cat ladies get pregnant.


a father and his son in the Guardian

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