Friday Caption Contest: Tragic Recycling Edition
Friday, July 11th, 2008By raincoaster
Last week, over eighty percent of you sided with Sarah Silverman instead of Jimmy Kimmel and chose Matt Damon over best buddy Ben Affleck. I think both of them have their merits, but I think Matt is just slightly smarter than Ben so that always appeals to me. But Ben did look pretty hot in Pearl Harbor. Hmmmm…. No, no, Matt it is.
I’ve been waiting for months to feature this particular man, and this week, he finally obliged me and became a dad. Congrats to him and his girlfriend, but don’t let his new daddyhood affect your voting!
Wait, you are all frighteningly much too analytical to allow something that mushy and emotional to sway you. What in the world was I thinking? It’s all about the eyes and the abs, baby!
Have you heard of Scare Tactics? You won’t forget it after this revoltingly morbid birthing video. Click at own risk (gross, btw!):
From the SciFi Channel, via Defamer