2008 » July » 08 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 8th, 2008

Poll: What To Name the New Baby McConaughey

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
By raincoaster

Matthew McConaughey shows how baby was conceived

I could do one of these myself, but Defamer already used all the best names. Yes, the Mini-McConaughey has arrived, and has also been given the conspicuously Old Testament name of Levi Alves McConaughey, but let that not stop us. I’m not 100% sure, but I think anyone can vote on their site, although not comment. But everyone can vote here!

Keep in mind the family’s colourful tradition of nomenclature: his nephew is named Miller Lyte, and there was a consistent rumour he wanted to call the kid Bud. I’m just sayin’!

Defamer’s suggestions for names:

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
By Glinda


While at the beach today, I heard a woman ask her daughter “Where is your cell phone?”

The girl wasn’t more than twelve, and I wondered when the Munchkin would qualify for a cell phone of his own. Because I really don’t think it’s a question anymore if a kid will or won’t get a phone, it’s simply a matter of when.

My mother apparently came into motherhood about twenty years too early, becuase the idea of being able to call me at any second would have greatly appealed to her. Whenever I went out, which was often, I was required to give a detailed itinerary, even after I became an adult. She was even known to ask for the phone number of the movie theater where I would be watching a movie. No, I couldn’t believe it either.

I know that they have those very simple cell phones for young children that have all of two buttons or something, with pre-progammed numbers. But I’m wondering exactly how many seconds it would take for him to lose it at school. I bet that even if it was kept in his backpack all day, somehow he would still manage to lose it. The child cannot keep track of a pair of sunglasses, much less a phone. Thus you will never see him wearing sunglasses any more expensive than five dollars.

Maybe when cell phones hover around ten bucks or so, I’ll think about. That can’t be too far off, right?

Attention Bloggers:
Click here to enter our Stylin’ Stila giveaway #2!

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