2008 » July » 04 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 4th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest: Upskirt Orangutan edition

Friday, July 4th, 2008
By raincoaster

Looks like somebody has issues with that whole “interspecies cooperation” thang. Captions in the comments as always.

Upskirt Orangutan

From Floridapfae‘s Flickr stream

(due to technical difficulties, we have to borrow from Flickr right now,
so please go over to the photographer’s page and say hi)

Click HERE to enter our stylin’ Stila giveaway!

Celebrity Dad Faceoff And Happy 4th of July!

Friday, July 4th, 2008
By Glinda

Viggo, we love you.  That is very obvious by the way you have handily trounced each and every opponent you have faced thus far on the Celebrity Dad Faceoff.

Therefore, I am giving you a permanent place in our Celebrity Dad Hall of Fame, where your beautiful visage will gaze out on us and we will throw ourselves at your feet.  Or, er, at you, which is kind of the same thing.  It is fitting that this should happen on a national holiday, don’t you think? 

And while I was at the whole revamping thing, I thought to myself, why have I placed this artificial restriction to have these gorgeous men in “natural” photos?  I say go for the best pics I can find!

So, I would like to introduce a brand new set of contenders to kick off a whole new round of CDFO.

Contestants, come on down!

Photobucket vs.Photobucket


Click HERE to enter our stylin’ Stila giveaway!

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