2008 » July » 02 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 2nd, 2008

Not Exactly Rodeo Drive

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
By raincoaster

For some things, there are no words:

fail owned pwned pictures

Click HERE to enter our stylin’ Stila giveaway!

Curiosity Killed the Cat

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
By raincoaster

Oh noes!


Click HERE to enter our stylin’ Stila giveaway!

The Cons of Having an Only Child

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
By Glinda


Having already examined the pros of having an only child, now comes the flip side.

1. There is no opportunity to learn that toys are community property.
2. Mommy is supposed to be available to play with on demand.
3. They think the entire world revolves around them.
4. They will never have a sibling to commiserate with about how much their parents suck.
5. Only one wedding! Or should that be a pro?
6. Things should be done their way, which is the only way, and the right way, of course.
7. Possibly a bit too much exposure to adult conversations.
8. No convenient target to torment. Except maybe Mom.
9. I’ll never have a built-in babysitter.
10. No bunkbed necessary. I kind of like bunkbeds.

Click HERE to enter our stylin’ Stila giveaway!

Listen, there are not many entries in the contest, so all the people entered have a VERY good chance of winning!



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