2008 » June » 24 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for June 24th, 2008

Louboutin Warning!

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s all Gwyneth’s fault. Well, Gwynnie and anyone else outside of the sex trade who popularizes heels four inches high. Take a look at fashion victim Mel B (Gimpy Spice) and see what a poor working Mom is reduced to:

Mel B and her daughter

Ah, servants. If you can afford Louboutins, you can afford the traditional “paid companion” of ambiguous gender preference. Just don’t eat or drink anything she brings you, if I remember my Miss Marple correctly.

In future, may I suggest something a little more practical, something that looks less like you’re going to Edith Prickley’s pole-dancing lessons at The Home and more like you’re a sexy momma who also has a, you know, life?

Something like this, the Diego di Lucca Women’s Elite Boot:

Diego di Lucca Women's Elite Boot

The Wonder That is Wonderboy

Tuesday, June 24th, 2008
By Glinda

Can I just say that I love Wonderboy? No, not the Boy Wonder, but the clothing line Wonderboy. If I could take Wonderboy home and make them some nice homemade chicken soup, I would do it.

I have stated before that as a mother to a boy, I am sick of the same old same old. Same old stripes. Same old checks. Same old graphics of trucks and bugs and various amphibians. I want something different, something with personality.

Well, Wonderboy certainly delivers.


Sea Scroll

I’m like Homer Simpson eyeing a donut on this one. Let the drool commence…



Me likey. Me likey lots.


Pool Shark

Love it!

Now, if I could just get them to lower their prices, all would be perfect!

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