Friday Caption Contest: Blueberry Boy Edition
Friday, June 13th, 2008By raincoaster
This debonair young man belongs to the blog PrettyFlyForABabyGuy, where he shows off several of his finest food-based looks. Is that Blueberry Steel?
This debonair young man belongs to the blog PrettyFlyForABabyGuy, where he shows off several of his finest food-based looks. Is that Blueberry Steel?
From Mirriam-Webster:
Main Entry: land·slide
Pronunciation: \ˈlan(d)-ˌslīd\
Function: noun
Date: 1838
1: the usually rapid downward movement of a mass of rock, earth, or artificial fill on a slope; also : the mass that moves down
2 a: a great majority of votes for one side b: an overwhelming victory
I’m guessing you already know that I am not referring to definition number 1 when I say that Viggo Mortensen won over Jon Bon Jovi by a landslide. Out of a record 429 votes, Viggo came out on top with ninety-one percent of the vote. That, my friends, is practically an avalanche.
So, who best to challenge the reigning king, with his vast legions of loyal fans?
Why not the king of the waves?