2008 » June » 10 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for June 10th, 2008

This Will Not End Well

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
By raincoaster

Baby Sumo may have second thoughts about career

Betcha didn’t know the words for “Stage Mother” are the same in Japanese.

Ain’t No Hollaback Shoes

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
By Glinda

And really, I can use that as my title because nobody really knows what the heck hollaback really means, so why not apply the term to shoes?

I was pleasantly suprised when I looked into the Gwen Stefani-designed clothing line Harajuku Lovers.  It was cute and age appropriate.  Not bad for a celebrity with no real prior designing experience.  When I heard she was also coming out with a line of shoes, I was excited.  I thought they were going to be good.

Ah, expectations. Why must you always dashed?
Double bo-ring.
And even worse,  bo-ring, ugly, and overpriced at the same time. I’m sure it takes some sort of talent to design something so multifaceted, right? Nobody said they had to be good facets or anything.

If your kid wants skate shoes, do yourself a favor and go buy some Vans instead. They’re better looking and a heck of a lot cheaper. 

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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