Justis Leeg is justifyin
Sunday, April 13th, 2008By raincoaster
Science Fiction changed my life (Museditions)
Wonder Bread as avant-garde art (Disembedded)
The littlest urinal (LilSugar)
Japanese booze for babies! (TrendsInJapan)
My kid is better than your kid (BarkeysGotBite, hat tip to CelebratingTheAbsurd)
My mom is worse than your mom (Dooce)
Dumb and Dumberer: new Food Network shows (FromScratch)
I hereby claim this female reproductive system in the name of…ME! (50books)
Craniofacial duplication: two perspectives (Fracas)
Make someone’s day: tell her your life sucks too! (WorkItMom)
April 1st comes later than expected (AwesomeMom)
More on the heartbreak of middle-class rejection (Dadsmacker)
Free the Fart! (MagnetoBoldToo)
Seat safety warning (SeismicTwitch)
Book vs Blog (PetiteAnglaise)