Garage Sales of the Elder Gods! » Teeny Manolo

Garage Sales of the Elder Gods!

By raincoaster

Garage Sale of the Elder Gods

via JudithJane

Welcome to Cthulhu-ville, where the overlords are unspeakable, the architecture is non-Euclidean and the natives are eldritch.

This is the garage sale sign you pass on your way to a playground that looks like this:

Cthulhoid playground

And after you’ve take the spawn to the playground you drive home:

Who will be eaten first?
(are those bloody handprints? Charming!)

And tuck the tadpoles into bed in an apartment block that looks like this:

Cthulhu Cthamp!

Sweet dreams! Fhtagn!

Fhtagn, Billy, Fhtagn!

7 Responses to “Garage Sales of the Elder Gods!”

  1. michaelm Says:

    I love these toons.
    My favorite is “I can see forever!”
    Long live Cthulu . . .

  2. Seana Says:

    Am I living under a rock? What is this and what does it mean? Please forgive my ignorance!

  3. marvel Says:


    H.P. Lovecraft was an author of short stories in the horror genre. “Cthulhu” was one of his monstrous creations. Check out wikipedia entries:

    I’ve never read the stories but you run into Cthulhu references in the most random places!

  4. raincoaster Says:

    Particularly parenting blogs to which I contribute.

    It’s all in the links: Japan has a fad for octopus-themed playgrounds. Russia has sea monster-themed sleep away summer camps. Accordion Guy has a whole series of twisted Family Circle cartoons with Cthulhu Mythos quotations that are WAY funnier than the originals, if only for the cognitive dissonance.

    HP Lovecraft’s style is not for everyone. His stuff is so melodramatic he makes Edgar Allan Poe look like Ernest Hemingway. But I love it on a dark and stormy night. It’s kind of a meme in the blog world. He’s big among science bloggers, the biggest computer security guru in the world has Cephalopod Fridays, and he’s a minor theme on BoingBoing, one of the top five blogs in the world. All bloggers read way too much of this stuff.

    I once had a boyfriend who asked me out because he heard me talking about how much I loved Lovecraft. He explained later, “I thought they were how-to books.”

  5. La BellaDonna Says:

    Raincoaster, now THERE’s a visual! H.P. Lovecraft as “How To.” Did your boyfriend ever find out how lucky he was that you DIDN’T use Lovecraft that way?

  6. raincoaster Says:

    Actually, you’d be surprised how much crossover there is:

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