Hi, My name is Glinda. And I’m addicted to Webkinz.
It began so very innocently. A small stuffed chocolate labrador was a gift from Santa, and only recently did we get around to unsealing that little packet around its neck. Little did I know that opening that packet was going to open a rather unhealthy relationship with a completely fake universe built around completely fake pets.
And what an elaborately fake universe it is, replete with a veterinarian, (Dr. Quack, of course) an employment office, a sort of Webkinz University, a gem mine, and so many items to buy with your KinzCash that any interior decorator would drool at the possibilities.
I mean, it isn’t my fault that if you don’t have enough KinzCash, you can’t feed your pet. And that to get the KinzCash, you have to play games and trivia quizzes. It certainly isn’t my choice to have to mine for precious gems in order to qualify for a Crown of Wonder. I had nothing to do with the decsion to make the Wishing Well as exciting as a slot machine.
I mean, please don’t tell me I am the only parent in the world who somehow finds themselves playing Dogbeard’s Bathtub Battles after their kids have gone to bed.
Seriously, please tell me that.
What they need to do is make it much more boring. You know, so moms kids won’t want to play so often.