2008 » March » 31 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for March 31st, 2008

Friday Caption Contest: Static Results

Monday, March 31st, 2008
By raincoaster

Which is not to say the contest is static; no indeed, it is quite dynamic and interactive and all those Web 2.0 thingies. And as with much of Web 2.0, it is also ovah, so now we announce the winner in another historically close race:


La Petite Acadienne Says:

While many women have unusual cravings during pregnancy, Susan’s insatiable cravings for dandelion greens had unexpected results.

 And now to the hypothetical presentation of the imaginary prize. In the Springtime spirit of the comment, we’ve broken our self-imposed rule against cork wedges (we were traumatized by a Hang Ten cork wedge in the Seventies) and selected this undeniably sassy sandal from Marc Jacobs:

Marc Jacobs says Happy Springtime!


Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, March 31st, 2008
By Glinda

Venus- Altered


Well, you guys sure are better than me.  Last week’s poll about candy rationing found that a full forty four percent of you dole it all out over time.  Eighteen percent give out a portion of the candy, then find somewhere else to put it, whether it be the candy bowl at work or the trash can. I find myself eating more of it than I should, then throwing most of it out in a fit of pique that there isn’t more chocolate.

There is no doubt our society places a premium on looks.  It seems that at a younger and younger age, girls are beginning to notice their looks and some of them decide that they don’t measure up.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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    Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Mr. Manolo Blahnik. This website is not affiliated in any way with Mr. Manolo Blahnik, any products bearing the federally registered trademarks MANOlO®, BlAHNIK® or MANOlO BlAHNIK®, or any licensee of said federally registered trademarks. The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author.

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