Obama trawls Craigslist for kids! » Teeny Manolo

Obama trawls Craigslist for kids!

By raincoaster

Obama, Baby Onesie

In a shocking revelation that should rock the Democratic horserace to its very core, New York media scene blog Gawker (who seem to be baiting me lately with all the kid stuff) reveals that person or persons unknown have been posting on Craigslist, looking for a few multi-culti children to connect with the Obama campaign, having apparently run out of minors who will associate with him of their own free will. And that’s not the worst of it: No pay!

Shock! Horror! What does Hillary have to say about this?

Help Obama get elected/Need parent with small child

Reply to: gigs-621146478@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-03-27, 5:17PM PDTWant to help Obama get elected? Looking for parents with a small child to be in a commercial. African American, caucasian, asian, hispanic, anyone and everyone. Will only take a little bit of your time and it’s a huge way to help Obama’s effort for equality in this country.

Guess these people wouldn’t take his calls:



I can certainly understand why he wouldn’t want to use his own children.

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