Not outside the box, just about outside. You know, the place your kids go to burn off that extra energy and for you to keep your sanity.
And let’s face it, they need to get outside, just as you need to relax with your iced tea and some Oprah.
Let’s take a gander at some of the newest in outdoor toys.
The Pulse Kick n’ Go Xcelerator has a lever in the back that enables the rider to push down on it frantically in order to whoosh down the street. Unlike regular scooters, they never have to put their feet on the ground to get it going. This looks like great exercise, actually, and I might buy it just to make sure the Munchkin falls asleep within ten minutes of going to bed.

Adventurous types only need apply for this next one:

The Xlider (because apparently it isn’t cool unless there’s an X in front of it) is an “independent foot stance skateboard.” This roughly translates to: “Be ready to take your child to the emergency room on a moment’s notice.”
And for the athletic poser in the family comes the Grafeeti Shoe:

Because our kids don’t have enough things to distract them, shoes that you can write on have been invented. The special pens can be used for artwork (or whatever) that lasts as long as the owner wants it to. Can also be used as a cheat sheet.