Hot Mama Tip » Teeny Manolo

Hot Mama Tip

By Glinda

You know, there are just some days when a mom just can’t wash her  hair.  I’m thinking back to that haze of infancy when most of the time, going to the bathroom alone is a major accomplishment, much less a full-fledged shower.  Many were the times when I went out without washing my hair, and usually a baseball cap would do the trick.  It didn’t look very good, but at least no one could see my dirty hair.

Back in the day, and I mean waaay back in the college days, I used to use baby powder.  I could get away with it because I have blonde hair, but after a while it looked awful and it didn’t help at all to fix the “flat” look at the roots.  

But that was a long time ago, and technology has luckily come to our rescue in the form of dry shampoos.

One of the best out there is Klorane Dry Oat Shampoo.

Klorane Dry Oat Shampoo

It uses the natural absorbency of oats to get the impurities out of your hair, and it gives your hair that little extra “lift” that it has when it is clean.

It has a pleasant smell that is light years ahead of baby powder, and the only minus against is the size of the bottle, which is on the small side.

However, we shall cross our fingers and hope that your non-showering days will be few and far between.

4 Responses to “Hot Mama Tip”

  1. galadrium Says:

    It sounds too good to be true!

  2. leanne Says:

    blimey! i remember this stuff from when I was a teenager some (2..cough cough) odd years ago. can’t believe it is still around. remember it will leave you looking as though you have the world’s biggest dandruff

  3. Glinda Says:

    leanne- From what I understand, this is a new formulation with the oats, and I read dozens and dozens of reviews that never stated a problem with dandruff. The vast majority were highly positive, they recommended it, and I’m sure they would have noticed the dandruff effect if there was one. The biggest negative was the small size of the container.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    I know Bumble and Bumble among others make hair powder, but it’s pricey, $29 a bottle or so. I don’t like to wash my hair that often because it’s long and a bit fragile, so powder is better for it. I just wish it were a little more economical.

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