2008 » March » 17 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for March 17th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest Results: Jaska the Bear Dog Edition

Monday, March 17th, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s everyone’s favorite time of week, when we announce the winner of our glam-tastic Friday Caption Contest. Winners receive the coveted TeenyManolo iAward Air, a virtual prize of stunning hypothetical magnificence and staggering imaginary prestige. Behold our image, and our winner:

Jaska the Bear Dog

alejna Says:

Years later, little Joey was traumatized to learn that it wasn’t really a pony that his parents had gotten him for his birthday.

iCongratulations to Alejna! iCongratulations and iSuperfantastic iShoes, the iKickass Ferrovia from Caligarius! I was going to pick something equestrian, but how could anyone look at those shoes and not pick them? EH? I ask you that.

Caligarius Ferovvia

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, March 17th, 2008
By Glinda


Last week’s poll regarding organic food found 35 percent of you buying organic as often as you could fit it into your budget, while 27 percent bought it as often as possible, depending on what type of food.   A total of 19 percent eschew buying organic altogether.  Altogether a fascinating little snapshot of people’s food-buying habits, if I do say so myself.   And I do, so there.

Since there was quite a big dust up last week over my homeschooling post, I thought I would address the topic in today’s poll. There were wide-ranging opinions regarding why people choose to homeschool, and I really wanted to find out perceptions about homeschooling from a larger portion of the population.  Not that my polls are huge, but I have a feeling they reach a fairly good cross-section of people. 

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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