2008 » March » 10 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for March 10th, 2008

Friday Caption Contest Results: TRex Edition

Monday, March 10th, 2008
By raincoaster

It’s now time to announce the winner of our toothaceous Cretaceous caption contest from Friday:

T Rex surprises someone

Seana Says:

Oh no! That’s the biggest cavity I’ve ever seen!

Congrats to newcomer Seana for her heartfelt cri de coeur from a budding veterinary dentist who obviously takes her calling waaaaaay too seriously. And now, for the virtual presentation of the imaginary swag:

Both the practical:

Flashlight Dinos!

and the fabulous:

Alexander McQueen scarf

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, March 10th, 2008
By Glinda

Organic Produce

My question about tattoos elicited some very interesting responses and comments indeed.  A full 58% of respondents said that it would be acceptable for their child to get a tattoo only after the age of 18, and 27% said the child couldn’t get one as long as they still lived at home.  

Most of the comments were not in favor of permanent markings, and I would have to say that I am not really in favor of them either.  However, if my son were to grow up and get one, as long as it wasn’t easily visible I wouldn’t object.  Too strenuously.  But really, once it is done, it’s done so there would be no point getting upset about it.

This week we veer off into the realm of organic food.  Is it the only way to go when feeding a family?  Is it a big moneymaking scam?  I want to know what you  think.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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