2008 » March » 05 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for March 5th, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Hina Matsuri Girl’s Festival

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008
By raincoaster

Hina Matsuri festival dolls by Masatoshi Okauchi/Rex Features

From Masatoshi Okauchi/Rex Features in the Guardian

Meet My New BFF

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008
By Glinda

Victoria Beckham aka Posh Spice and Cruz shopping at Target like the little people!

Dear Posh,

We have had our ups and downs, you and I.  Well, technically mostly downs, but I’m beginning to think that I should just let bygones be bygones.

I see by this picture that you might have taken some of my advice to heart.   I mean, look at you! We can only see your arms and just a weensy bit of your clavicle!  You are wearing a regular t-shirt that exposes no part of your boobs, and jeans!  You have minimal makeup on and best of all, you are on your way to shop at Target.  You have a cute son and I have a cute son! 

I never knew we had so much in common.

It doesn’t matter that your jeans probably cost upwards of two hundred bucks, and your tee one hundred.  You are starting to win me over, you fully-clad vixen, you.

Now, simply trade those stilettos for some flats (I’ll even take flat-ish because really now, I’m not sure Target qualifies as stiletto territory) and I could totally see myself hanging out with you.


P.S. And because I like you so much now, I would like to gently and kindly suggest that you ditch those sunglasses.  Especially at night. You know, because like, there’s no sun.  BFFs can say stuff like that to each other, right? I’ll never be able to tell you your butt looks big in those jeans because you basically have no butt, so I have to have something that I can be honest about.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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