Total Eclipse of the Heart of the Household » Teeny Manolo

Total Eclipse of the Heart of the Household

By raincoaster

Kitchen rage.

It’s pervasive. It’s terrifying. It’s the last taboo of the desperate housewife. And now, at last, it finds an acceptable outlet in this delightful music video from the Finnish post-punk band Hurra Torpedo. It is nothing more nor less than Bonnie Tyler’s great Seventies anthem, Total Eclipse of the Heart, arranged for and performed on electric guitar, chest freezer, plunger, ironing board, and stove. Even better than the Angry Housewives’ Eat Your Fucking Cornflakes.

4 Responses to “Total Eclipse of the Heart of the Household”

  1. nursemyra Says:

    very funny

    what’s with the bare butts?

  2. Liz Says:

    I like coming here to get my fix on Finnish pop culture. Raincoaster, I’m not sure if you answered me before when I asked if you were Finnish. I am and I like how you incorporate Finnish music and fashion here. Thanks.

  3. Cherry Says:

    ACK! BUTT!

  4. raincoaster Says:

    Finnish? Not at all; I’m completely unfinished. I’m Canadian. But the Canucks and the Finns are both slightly demented, so there’s a kinship.

    Yes, there is butt. BUTT it’s a fine one and no more than you’d see at the mall on some girls; this one is just whale-tail free!

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