Hot Mama Tip » Teeny Manolo

Hot Mama Tip

By Glinda

Because we are all about the ability to quickly apply makeup, whether it be in the car prior to a PTA meeting or in the bathroom while a preschooler is complaining that the tag on their clothing is suddenly bothering them, I present:

NARS The Multiple in Orgasm

The ultimate multitasking makeup, NARS The Multiple in Orgasm.  You can apply this shimmery peachy-pink anywhere you need color.  The color is perfect for spring/summer and works well with many skin tones. Cheeks, lips, eyes, decolletage, it has it all covered.   

It’s a leeetle pricey, but if you tend not to wear a lot of makeup, you could definitely get your money’s worth out of this product by using it as your main color source in multiple areas.

And let’s just agree that we will never let our kids know the name of it, OK? At least not until they’re in college or something.

One Response to “Hot Mama Tip”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    Good heavens, woman! You’re a respectable mommyblogger: you’re not supposed to recommend Orgasm!

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