2008 » February » 23 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for February 23rd, 2008

Brace Yourself!

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008
By raincoaster

Albert Martin, inventor extraordinaireLadies and gentlemen, there is genius and then there is Genius.

Einstein. Descartes. Plato. Albert Martin.

The great-grandfather from Benfleet in the UK has invented perhaps the greatest shopping-related accessory in the history of forever; shopping bag suspenders.

“When you carry plastic bags your fingers go numb, you keep moving the bags to different fingers but eventually you drop your bags and lose all your shopping.

“I decided I would make a harness with two hooks to hang your bags on instead. I find it comfortable to carry two bags on each side.

“There’s a strap over your shoulders with a hook on either end to carry your shopping and a strap across the back to stop you losing your bags if you lean forward…”

Mr Martin said: “We made it in the garage. My wife got her sewing machine out and away we went…

“You can carry your shopping and wipe your nose, eat fish and chips or talk on the phone at the same time.”It’s great for mums holding their children’s hands – you could even hold a baby at the same time as carrying your shopping.”

Mr Martin is so confident in his invention that he’s obtained a patent and conservatively estimates that he will make his first million before his 90th birthday. And we at TeenyManolo can only applaud and say: where do we place an order? In typical fashion, it looks like the celebrities have already got their orders in advance:

Angelina Jolie orphan carrier

Saturday Spotlight: Paulina Quintana

Saturday, February 23rd, 2008
By Glinda

In honor of the new Manolo Moda, I am highlighting a Latina designer, Paulina Quintana.

Born in Chile during the regime of dictator Augusto Pinochet, her family was persecuted by Pinochet’s government and   Amnesty International brought them out of exile to establish their lives in America.

Paulina graduated with a degree in Art from UCLA, and designing children’s clothes was not her original career goal.  But she began a line, and with their bright colors and contemporary graphics, her clothes eventually caught the eye of Barney’s and since then she has become a noted designer. Quintana insists on paying her workers a living wage in non-sweatshop conditions and runs her business in an environmentally conscious manner.

I really like Quintana’s clothing.  She really tries to do different things with color and designs.  I appreciate that she is not afraid of color, because we all know that colors are a mom’s best friend when it comes to doing laundry.

 Paulina Quintana Robot ShortsPaulina Quintana Jumper

Paulina Quintana Girls Sprig Lounge PantPaulina Quintana Tulip Babydoll Tee

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