Cookie Monster Answers the Proust Questionnaire
Tuesday, February 19th, 2008By raincoaster
Shocking as it may be to realize, those beloved Sesame Street characters that we all grew up with have lives outside the limitations of the electric teat. For some, real life is a devastating spiral downward into degradation and depravity (Elmo, I’m looking at you). For some, it is a rude awakening to the hurtful reality that not even Sesame Street is free from the devastating cruelty of office politics (Sorry, Grover).
And, for some, it’s still all about the work. Here is Cookie Monster, whose pipe-eating, Monsterpiece Theatre-hosting, babybrain-poisoning antics have brought him the harsh, unwanted spotlight of global pariahhood, interviewed by NPR’s Elizabeth Blair. Well, somebody’s got to feed the all-consuming media hunger, eh? He takes his place now among the pantheon of notables who have completed the Proust Questionnaire, including Jasper Johns, Norman Mailer, Umberto Eco, Karl Lagerfeld, Catherine Deneuve, and, of course, Karl Rove.