Playgroup Links
Saturday, February 16th, 2008By raincoaster
We can’t keep the whole blogosphere to ourselves, and we can’t put these topics any better than these guys did, so we are simply handing you a heaping helping of links from around the parentblogosphere and instructing you to enjoy them responsibly. Post in moderation. Wait one half-hour before swimming or operating heavy machinery.
Mini-Me fashion designers from Harper’s Bazaar (Sassybella) Mini Lagerfeld? The corruption of innocence was never so fabulous, darling.
Prepare for the Monday Melee! (Fracas) Your syllabic resonant consonants will never be the same.
Rosette Nebula (Maya’s Granny) My God! It’s full of stars!
Heart-Shaped Nebula (Smoke & Mirrors) What’s at the heart of the universe?
Notes to a Stressed Past Self (Work it, Mom!) Now who do we get to deliver it?
Tadpolecast (Petite Anglaise) The Tadpole sings in tongues.
Are You Kidding Me? (WhiteTrash Mom) St. Mary’s Academy of Stupidity
Back in My Day, a Man Was a Man and a Stroller Was a Stroller (dadsmacker) and we had to tame them ourselves, uphill in the snow
Which Celebrities are Packing a Passenger? (Celebrity Baby Scoop) And Colin Farrell has alibis for all of them
Wheel Chairs for Iraqi Kids (lilSugar) Donations accepted
Lessons from a High School Dropout (Fluttering Butterflies) Some lessons you learn too late
Bra-vo! (Kvetch Blog) Somebody’s girl has a head start on the superfantastic life
This is How New Parents Spend Friday Night (dooce) The human brain goes missing when it comes in close proximity to a chubby baby