Friday Caption Contest: Pony Feeding Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Pony Feeding Edition

By raincoaster

Captions in the comments, carrots in the pockets.

Pony Feeding

Image stolen from TheRidingCompany, who’ll definitely get some of my many blogging millions when I book a horseback vacation.


And is anyone else wondering why she’s wearing a dress in the barn? Zeez Euros, zay air zo ztyleesh!

8 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Pony Feeding Edition”

  1. dgm Says:

    Too obvious–“Make hay while the sun shines.”

  2. gemdiva Says:

    “Allo, je suis Monsieur Ed”

  3. Jennie Says:

    When Rachael Ray was a lonely child, she often asked her only friend, Snowflake, if this or that herb would be good in whatever dish she was experimenting on at the moment…

  4. Bellamama Says:

    The Fine Lady and her White Horse rest after a long day in Banbury Cross.

  5. Sara L. Says:

    A Princess With Her Pony

  6. Sara L. Says:

    I thought you’d never come…..

  7. raincoaster Says:

    Sarah Jessica Parker interviewed by Abigail Breslin for MTV “Cribs.”

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