2008 » January » 24 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for January 24th, 2008

Salma Hayek Has Faith in Technology, Body Image Issues

Thursday, January 24th, 2008
By raincoaster

loldog, over compensating, jack russel terrier, funny dog pictures

 Not to imply that the famously beauteous Salma Hayek is a dog. We should all be so dog-like! But the actress might just have a wee failure of perspective problem, from what I’m reading on the blogs lately. It seems that, shocked by the weight gain inevitable with a healthy pregnancy and shocked further by the firm refusal of those pounds to come off within, say, fifteen or twenty minutes of the birth, she has resorted to extreme measures to return to her Hollywood-standard slimness.

From AzCentral:

Salma Hayek is using an “industrial-size” breast pump to lose her baby weight, it has been claimed.

The ‘Frida’ actress is resorting to extreme measures after friends told her breastfeeding is the best way to shed post-pregnancy pounds. Hayek gave birth to her first child, Valentina Paloma, in September.

She’d better be careful with that machine if she doesn’t want to end up with breasts that look like that Jack Russel’s ears! I think, though, they’re a little off-base with their description of the alleged milBreast Pumpking machine. This blogger has a better understanding of the situation:

From GrowingYourBaby:

I believe the term that this writer is looking for is a ‘hospital grade’ pump (worth sometimes $700-$900). They are usually a decent size, come with more options and have a stronger, more consistent suction.

Of course, if I looked like Salma Hayek I’d just ask for volunteers and do it manually.

Salma Hayek

Think Spring!

Thursday, January 24th, 2008
By Glinda

The winter doldrums seem to have grabbed hold of almost everyone I know.  I wish I could go around to everyone’s house with one of those special sun lamps and cheer them up. 

However, seeing as flying is kind of expensive and most of you probably wouldn’t trust me enough to give me your address (I’ve only stalked like, one person in my whole life.  OK, maybe three. I swear, only four) I think I shall simply start focusing on all things spring and spring-like.  It’s right around the corner, you know!

And even though these Peruvian hand-knit backpacks from Bla Bla could be used at any time of the year, they are so bright and fun!  How could they not cheer you up even the tiniest little bit?  If you aren’t cheered up by these, then I’m sorry to say that you have a hopeless case of winter blues.  You should avoid all human contact until March.  Or maybe April.

Bla Bla Butterfly BackpackBla Bla Frog Backpack

Bla Bla Ladybug BackpackBla Bla Monkey Backpack

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